Heirs of the Veil
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Astyr is subtle.

It's Comic of the Week time at SpiderForest again! Welcome to everyone who's finding Sombulus for the first time, and do check out these other amazing Adventure-y comics that are being featured alongside mine this week:

Court of Roses - A fantasy LGBTQ-friendly fantasy tale following a ragtag troupe of bards formed by their mutual friend, a charismatic–if often drunk–bagpiper, Merlow the Rose, and who knows, mayhaps they’ll solve a murder mystery together! Updates Mondays and Thursdays!

Of Conquests and Consequences - A coming of age comic with a healthy dose of culture shock mixed in.

My Collective:

Gifts of Wandering Ice
All rights reserved. Sombulus is © 2010-2024 by Christina Major and powered by simplecomic. Special thanks to Ayemae for web dev assistance!